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Eivind (like the Terrible)

Joined 10 months, 2 weeks ago

I like big books and I cannot lie

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Eivind (like the Terrible)'s books

2024 Reading Goal

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Terry Pratchett, Peter Serafinowicz, Indira Varma (Narrator), Bill Nighy (Narrator): Equal Rites (AudiobookFormat, 2022, Transworld) 4 stars

Everybody knows there's no such thing as a female wizard. So when the wizard Drum …

It is well known that stone can think, because the whole of electronics is based on that fact, but in some universes men spend ages looking for other intelligences in the sky without once looking under their feet. That is because they’ve got the time-span all wrong. From stone’s point of view the universe is hardly created and mountain ranges are bouncing up and down like organ-stops while continents zip backward and forward in general high spirits, crashing into each other from the sheer joy of momentum and getting their rocks off. It is going to be quite some time before stone notices its disfiguring little skin disease and starts to scratch, which is just as well.

Equal Rites by , , , and 1 other

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Terry Pratchett, Peter Serafinowicz, Indira Varma (Narrator), Bill Nighy (Narrator): Equal Rites (AudiobookFormat, 2022, Transworld) 4 stars

Everybody knows there's no such thing as a female wizard. So when the wizard Drum …

It is well known—at least, it is well known to witches—that all colonies of bees are, as it were, just one part of the creature called the Swarm, in the same way that individual bees are component cells of the hivemind. Granny didn’t mingle her thoughts with the bees very often, partly because insect minds were strange, alien things that tasted of tin, but mostly because she suspected that the Swarm was a good deal more intelligent than she was.

Equal Rites by , , , and 1 other

Terry Pratchett, Peter Serafinowicz, Indira Varma (Narrator), Bill Nighy (Narrator): Equal Rites (AudiobookFormat, 2022, Transworld) 4 stars

Everybody knows there's no such thing as a female wizard. So when the wizard Drum …

It is well known—at least, it is well known to witches—that all colonies of bees are, as it were, just one part of the creature called the Swarm, in the same way that individual bees are component cells of the hivemind. Granny didn’t mingle her thoughts with the bees very often, partly because insect minds were strange, alien things that tasted of tin, but mostly because she suspected that the Swarm was a good deal more intelligent than she was.

Equal Rites by , , , and 1 other

Nicolai Houm: Hver torsdag klokken nitten (EBook, Norsk language, 2024, Tiden) 5 stars

Hver torsdag klokken nitten samles ti mennesker på et kurs i kreativ skriving i Drammen. …

Camilla H. har begynt å kaste om seg med betegnelsen drammensbra. Det skal bety at noe er bra, men ikke så bra at det ville vært bra i Oslo. Vi synes ikke noe om det. Vi har alt her, men ikke bomring. Vi ble ikke behandlet som åndssvake barn under pandemien. Det er oslobra å forville seg i enveiskjørte gater, bli angrepet av måker hvis man prøver å spise en burger utendørs, og betale fem millioner kroner for et kott på Carl Berners plass. Hvis det er det Camilla H. vil, å bli angrepet av måker, sånn som Randi ble på Aker Brygge, er Oslo bare trettito minutter unna med toget.

Hver torsdag klokken nitten by