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Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay

Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

Hi! I am a Norwegian-Brazilian guy. I'm often confused about things, until I'm not. For non-book stuff, I have other accounts:


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Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay's books

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Bjørn Stærk: Ingen tenker alene (EBook, Norwegian language, 2025, Cappelen Damm) No rating

Samfunnsdebattanten Bjørn Gregory-Stærk gikk i sin ungdom fra å være dypt religiøs til å bli …

Det som skjer på dette dype nivået, mener Douglas, er at grupper forankrer oppfatningene og verdiene sine i noe som oppfattes som håndfast eller evig. Tenk på hvordan vi snakker om politiske akser og politiske kart. Metaforen om «høyresiden» mot «venstresiden» gjør at noe som er vilkårlig og varierer mellom generasjoner og land, oppleves like evig som et tall. Eller tenk på hvordan vi knytter midlertidige kjønnsnormer til biologisk kjønn, eller forklarer samfunnet som en maskin. Før snakket man om at kongen er folkets hode, og mannen er familiens hode. Patriarkalske kulturer sier ting som at mannen er som høyrehånden, kvinnen som venstrehånden, de er ment for ulike oppgaver.

Ingen tenker alene by 

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Mikkel Berg-Nordlie: En kort introduksjon til samenes historie (EBook, Norwegian language, 2024, Cappelen Damm akademisk) No rating

En kort introduksjon til samenes historie presenterer det samiske urfolkets historie fra de eldste tider …

I 1979 ble det produsert et undervisningshefte for det norske militærpolitiet som påstod at det med sovjetisk støtte hadde blitt skapt en samisk «frigjøringsbevegelse» som tok sikte på å løsrive «Norge sydover til Snåsa». Sovjetunionens mål var ifølge forfatteren å destabilisere Norge nok til at de kunne rykke inn med «politiaksjon» for å «beskytte en undertrykt minoritet.» Dette er et eksempel på samestat-konspirasjonsteorien, som i 1930-årene hadde ført til henrettelser i Sovjetunionen, og ei videreføring av vestlig frykt for Russlands bruk av minoriteter til å utbre sitt imperium. I øst som i vest tegna man opp skremmebilder av at samene kunne alliere seg med fienden for å få en egen stat.

En kort introduksjon til samenes historie by  (En kort introduksjon)

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Michael Sandel: The Tyranny of Merit (AudiobookFormat, 2020, Macmillan Audio) 5 stars

These are dangerous times for democracy. We live in an age of winners and losers, …

The contrast between consumer and producer identities points to two different ways of understanding the common good. One approach, familiar among economic policy makers, defines the common good as the sum of everyone’s preferences and interests. According to this account, we achieve the common good by maximizing consumer welfare, typically by maximizing economic growth. If the common good is simply a matter of satisfying consumer preferences, then market wages are a good measure of who has contributed what. Those who make the most money have presumably made the most valuable contribution to the common good, by producing the goods and services that consumers want.

A second approach rejects this consumerist notion of the common good in favor of what might be called a civic conception. According to the civic ideal, the common good is not simply about adding up preferences or maximizing consumer welfare. It is about reflecting critically on our preferences—ideally, elevating and improving them—so that we can live worthwhile and flourishing lives. This cannot be achieved through economic activity alone. It requires deliberating with our fellow citizens about how to bring about a just and good society, one that cultivates civic virtue and enables us to reason together about the purposes worthy of our political community.

The Tyranny of Merit by 

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quoted Weird Fucks by Lynne Tillman

Lynne Tillman: Weird Fucks (Paperback, 2021, Peninsula Press) No rating

A few drinks and I begin to appreciate Josh because he is so very attentive. This is a form of flattery that is most convincing, particularly at a party. When I was fourteen I discovered that boys would fall in love with me if listened to everything they said. A strong sense of integrity prohibited me from continuing this form of seduction. And, in addition to integrity, there was the problem of having to continue to listen to them.

Weird Fucks by  (Page 104 - 105)

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quoted Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #3)

Terry Pratchett, Peter Serafinowicz, Indira Varma (Narrator), Bill Nighy (Narrator): Equal Rites (AudiobookFormat, 2022, Transworld) 4 stars

Everybody knows there's no such thing as a female wizard. So when the wizard Drum …

It is well known—at least, it is well known to witches—that all colonies of bees are, as it were, just one part of the creature called the Swarm, in the same way that individual bees are component cells of the hivemind. Granny didn’t mingle her thoughts with the bees very often, partly because insect minds were strange, alien things that tasted of tin, but mostly because she suspected that the Swarm was a good deal more intelligent than she was.

Equal Rites by , , , and 1 other (Discworld, #3)

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John Williams: Stoner (Swedish language, 2015, Natur & kultur) 5 stars

Stoner is a 1965 novel by the American writer John Williams. It was reissued in …

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