Angélica Gorodischer, Ursula K. LeGuin (translator): Kalpa imperial (2003, Small Beer Press) No rating

From publishers webpage:

In eleven chapters, Kalpa Imperial's multiple storytellers relate the story of a …

Feel that I should've liked this more than I did

No rating

Some books that you stumble upon ends up punching you in the guts, others do not. This book was of the latter category, but I still think it should've been the former, much so based on that I like the works of the translator, Ursula K. LeGuin.

As a part of my job I support unemployed persons that have internships at my organization, among them at a few of the charity shops that we run. It was while browsing the bookshelves during a slow hour that I came upon Kalpa imperial. It seemed like my kind of book, and I still think it is.

I think I understand what the author wanted to do, and I think it is clever. She sketches the history of an empire, follows its many rulers , their surge, their downfall, internal and external strife; and how the empire and its society adapts during …

replied to Einar's status

Vill man läsa ett utdrag från boken finns det här: [ The End of a Dynasty or The Natural History of Ferrets]. Detta kapitlet var på kanske ett av de jag tyckte bäst om.