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Elin's books
2025 Reading Goal
20% complete! Elin has read 14 of 70 books.
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Elin rated De usynlige: 4 stars
Elin rated Bertie's guide to life and mothers: 4 stars

Bertie's guide to life and mothers by Alexander McCall Smith (44 Scotland Street)
As summer blooms in Edinburgh's gardens and Bertie Pollock's birthday appears on the horizon, all at 44 Scotland Street is …
Elin rated Svøm med dem som drukner: 5 stars
Elin rated Pinoccio-papirene: 5 stars
Elin rated Men at Arms: 5 stars
Elin rated Faro's Daughter: 3 stars

Faro's Daughter by Georgette Heyer
Skilled in the art of card playing, Deborah Grantham, a gambler's daughter, uses that skill as her sole means of …
Elin rated Lady of Quality: 4 stars

Lady of Quality by Georgette Heyer
The spirited and independent Miss Annis Wychwood is a beautiful heiress, and hopelessly single, has twenty-nine and well past the …
Elin rated Witches Abroad: 5 stars

Terry Pratchett: Witches Abroad (2002)
Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett
Be careful what you wish for...Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother named Desiderata who had a good …
Elin rated Forbrytelse og straff: 5 stars

Forbrytelse og straff by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jan Brodal
Det evige spørsmål om vår alles skyld, om moralens grunnlag - og om soning i det hele tatt er mulig, …
Elin rated Friday's Child: 5 stars

Friday's Child by Georgette Heyer
Rejected by the woman he deeply craves, the incomparable Miss Milborne, for his unsteadiness of character, wild Viscount Sheringham is …
Elin rated Cosmicomics: 5 stars

Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino (Harbrace paperbound library ;)
Enchanting stories about the evolution of the universe, with characters that are fashioned from mathematical formulae and cellular structures. "Naturally, …