Elin rated Checking Out Crime: 3 stars

Checking Out Crime by Laurie Cass (A Bookmobile Cat Mystery - 9)
Minnie and her rescue cat Eddie can often be found out and about in their bookmobile near Chilson, Michigan, delivering …
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Minnie and her rescue cat Eddie can often be found out and about in their bookmobile near Chilson, Michigan, delivering …
TJ Klune, Tj Klune, Cécile Tasson: The House in the Cerulean Sea (AudiobookFormat, 2021, Tor)
Linus is an uptight caseworker with a heart of gold working for the department in charge of magical youth. When …
One of those rare books that are simply great stories well told, and the fact that the main character is nine years old is hardly relevant. It's right up there with classics like The Secret Garden, Heidi and Ronja the Robber's Daughter.
There is a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. …
Enchanting stories about the evolution of the universe, with characters that are fashioned from mathematical formulae and cellular structures. "Naturally, …
Rejected by the woman he deeply craves, the incomparable Miss Milborne, for his unsteadiness of character, wild Viscount Sheringham is …
Det evige spørsmål om vår alles skyld, om moralens grunnlag - og om soning i det hele tatt er mulig, …
Terry Pratchett: Witches Abroad (2002)
Be careful what you wish for...Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother named Desiderata who had a good …
The spirited and independent Miss Annis Wychwood is a beautiful heiress, and hopelessly single, has twenty-nine and well past the …
Skilled in the art of card playing, Deborah Grantham, a gambler's daughter, uses that skill as her sole means of …