La casa en el mar más azul

225 x 145 mm, 496 pages

Castellano language

Published April 26, 2022 by Crossbooks.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

Trabajo, trabajo y más trabajo. Linus Baker podría ser una persona cualquiera, en un lugar cualquiera, viviendo una vida cualquiera. Él estaba convencido de esto, y si tú lo hubieras conocido, tampoco habrías dudado en asegurar que Linus pertenecía al montón, ni más, ni menos. Y así era, hasta el día en que este funcionario del Departamento de Jóvenes Mágicos es llamado por Altísima Dirección para supervisar un orfanato del que apenas hay registros.

Con esta nueva tarea entre manos, Linus viajará a la isla de Marsyas, donde deberá supervisar a seis huérfanos catalogados como peligrosos (hablamos del futuro Anticristo, entre otros) y a su enigmático cuidador. Ahí, deberá dejar de lado sus miedos y prejuicios, que no son pocos, para darse cuenta de que lo que realmente tiene que hacer no es aquello a lo que le han enviado. Porque en Marsyas, Linus descubrirá que el camino a la …

10 editions

Review of 'House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Linus Baker is a caseworker for the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth where he has progressed little over his quiet life. Each time inspecting orphanages of magical youth, he rigorously applies the RULES AND REGULATIONS that guides how magical people should be handled in this world of quiet but persistent discrimination. What becomes of the children in the orphanages he issues a negative report on, he has never quite considered. 

His life of quiet compliance is interrupted when he is given a confidential case from Extremely Upper Management, who’s taken note of his rigorous application of the rules. A remote island orphanage that is home to six children classified as extremely dangerous including “a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist” under the tutelage of a headmaster who has little regard for rules and regulations.

During Linus’ stay, he starts to see …

"House in the Cerulean Sea"

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Dette var en morsom og oppfriskende bok med morsomme figurer og et fint budskap. Den var lettlest og egentlig aldri kjedelig. Historien var likevel noe vel forutsigbar og jeg syntes personlighetsutviklinga til hovedpersonen kunne ha vært noe tydeligere. Jeg hadde likt om han hadde vært mye mer usympatisk og negativt innstilt fra begynnelsen, i stedet for forsiktig og deprimert, men det er kanskje også hva jeg skulle ha forventet meg. Jeg synes egentlig også at den var cirka femti sider for lang, men det var en bok som det var verdt å lese for å oppleve de forskjellige figurene mer enn selve handlingen.

Jeg er glad jeg leste den, men det er neppe en bok jeg kommer til å anbefale til så mange.

Review of 'House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Sweet romantic queer dramedy with charming magical children. My only two complaints are that the general course of the plot was predictable from quite near the beginning and that the Underlying Message was conveyed entirely without subtlety. It's a good message, mind you, but I prefer the moral of the story to be offered rather than being hot over the head with it. But it's a fun and quick read and I definitely recommend it.

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