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SK Gaski

Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

Stadig nye forsøk på å huske ka æ har lest. Grei kombo av høyt og lavt, nytt og gammelt.

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quoted Weird Fucks by Lynne Tillman

Lynne Tillman: Weird Fucks (Paperback, 2021, Peninsula Press) No rating

A few drinks and I begin to appreciate Josh because he is so very attentive. This is a form of flattery that is most convincing, particularly at a party. When I was fourteen I discovered that boys would fall in love with me if listened to everything they said. A strong sense of integrity prohibited me from continuing this form of seduction. And, in addition to integrity, there was the problem of having to continue to listen to them.

Weird Fucks by  (Page 104 - 105)

Lynne Tillman: Weird Fucks (Paperback, 2021, Peninsula Press) No rating

And so we fell in love and that night slept side by side in a large bed while another man slept in another bed in the same room. We did not fuck. I felt we had anyway, that his body had moved into mine. And then he did move in. I met all the English concrete poets and learned to drink tea from morning to night. We invented Fluff, a kind of joke about how we were existing, which turned out to be our relationship. When we made love he refused to go down on me but wanted me to suck his cock. And when he looked at me I turned to lava.

Weird Fucks by  (Page 60)

Gwendolyn Brooks, Margo Jefferson: Maud Martha (Faber Editions) (Paperback, 2022, Faber & Faber, Limited) 5 stars

Maud Martha Brown is a little girl growing up on the South Side of 1940s …

Et liv, litt

5 stars

Min hovedkunnskap om Gwendolyn Brooks har bestandig vært omtrent bare diktet «We Real Cool», men så så æ den norske oversettelsen av Maud Martha på en boktralle på jobb, og så fant æ den her utgaven på Norli i Trondheim og så la den sæ så fint i hånda mi at æ endte opp med å kjøpe den.

Det e en kort, liten sak, om livet til Maud Martha, i trettifire små kapitler, fra ho e barn til ho e voksen, ingen store omveltninger, en pragmatisk idealistisk hovedperson, ei som tenke godt om folk, en bok som va god å befinne sæ i, som æ tror æ kan få lyst til å lese igjen en anna gang, med setninger som romme mye sjøl i det lille.