Ivar Espås Vangen rated Washington's long war on Syria: 2 stars

Washington's long war on Syria by Stephen Gowans
278 pages ; 23 cm
Les nok mest sakprosa, men eg prøver å lese meir skjønnlitteratur.
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15% complete! Ivar Espås Vangen has read 8 of 52 books.
278 pages ; 23 cm
Reinhard Kleist: Castro (German language, 2010, Carlsen)
"As America moves toward normalizing relations with Cuba, this gripping, vivid graphic novel reveals the life and times of Fidel …
xix, 192 pages : 20 cm
"Madame is a novel about Poland during the grim years of Soviet-controlled mediocrity which nonetheless sparkles with light and warmth." …