Editions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hardcover, 286 pages
English language
Published June 2, 2002 by Albatros.
- 978-80-00-01162-2
- OCLC Number:
- 224445465
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hardcover, 251 pages
English language
Published Aug. 11, 1998 by Bloomsbury.
- 978-0-7475-3849-3
- OCLC Number:
- 1000508652
- Goodreads:
- 41644365
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Trade Paperback, 341 pages
English language
Published Sept. 11, 2000 by Scholastic.
- 978-0-439-06487-3
- OCLC Number:
- 1003236736
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Paperback, 360 pages
English language
Published Sept. 1, 2014 by Bloomsbury.
- 978-1-4088-5566-9
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hardcover, 342 pages
English language
Published May 26, 1999 by Arthur A. Levine Books.
- 978-0-439-06486-6
- Goodreads:
- 58613411
Harry Potter ja salaisuuksien kammio
Hardcover, 365 pages
Finnish language
Published May 26, 1999 by Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi.
- 978-951-31-1472-5
- OCLC Number:
- 316431126
- Goodreads:
- 60408839
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Paperback, 464 pages
English language
Published 2021 by Large Print Press.
- 978-1-59413-001-4
Ο Χάρι Πότερ και η κάμαρα με τα μυστικά
Paperback, 368 pages
Greek language
Published Aug. 27, 1999 by Psichogios.
- 978-960-274-401-7
- OCLC Number:
- 810121912
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Paperback, 366 pages
English language
Published 2004 by Bloomsbury.
- 978-0-7475-7448-4
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
5 pages
English language
Published Dec. 1, 2002 by Intervisual Books, Scholastic.
- 978-0-439-45193-2
- OCLC Number:
- 51451233
Harry Potter e a Câmara Secreta
Paperback, 252 pages
Portuguese language
Published Dec. 20, 2000 by Rocco.
- 978-85-325-1166-9
- OCLC Number:
- 47052999
Harry Potter a Tajemn Komnata
Paperback, 287 pages
Published Jan. 1, 1900 by BRIGHT BOOKS, Albatros.
- 978-80-00-02781-4
Harry Potter e la camera dei segreti vol. 2
Hardcover, 326 pages
Published Dec. 12, 2014 by French & European Pubns.
- 978-88-6715-813-3
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
Paperback, 256 pages
English language
Published Nov. 8, 2013 by Bloomsbury.
- 978-1-4088-3497-8
- OCLC Number:
- 869510711
Harry Potter y la cámara secreta
Hardcover, 320 pages
Spanish language
Published Nov. 3, 2013 by Salamandra Infantil y Juvenil.
- 978-84-9838-658-5
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