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Samantha Harvey, Sarah Naudi (Narrator): Orbital (AudiobookFormat, 2023, Penguin Random House) 3 stars


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A team of astronauts in the International Space Station collect meteorological data, conduct scientific experiments and test the limits of the human body. But mostly they observe. Together they watch their silent blue planet, circling it sixteen times, spinning past continents and cycling through seasons, taking in glaciers and deserts, …

Si Clarke: Ainlay vs Infernal Support (EBook, White Hart Fiction) 5 stars

Ainlay vs Infernal Support


Even when you’re dead, you can’t catch a break. Ainlay Harrison is surprised to wake up as a ghost – and even more surprised to be onboarded into the AfterLife™’s most exciting project: hauntings.

After a simple typo leaves Ainlay stranded at the wrong address, the only option is to …